ホーム > ブログ > 消費者はサプリメントの疑問に答を必要



米国食事療法会議(American Dietetic Association)によると、アメリカでは人口の半数近くが何らかの形でサプリメントを利用している。サプリメントの利用が高まるにつれ、ビタミン剤の適切な利用法についての疑問に答を出すことが消費者にとって差し迫って必要な課題になってきた。Scripps Howard News Serviceや他のインターネットのニュース・サイトにあるEugenie Jonesの記事によると、同氏は消費者が栄養補助食品を評価したり選んだりできるような適切な情報が不足していると指摘している。


Consumers Need Answers to Supplement Questions

Nearly half of the population in the United States uses supplements in one form or another according to the American Dietetic Association. With the growing usage of supplements has come a more pressing need for consumers to find answers to their questions concerning appropriate vitamin supplement usage. According to an article by Eugenie Jones, carried by the Scripps Howard News Service and other on-line Internet new sites, Jones cites a lack of appropriate informing to enable consumers to evaluate and select dietary supplements.

Jones adds that research, evidence to support product claims and proper manufacturing standards are necessary. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is limited in its regulatory activities, so there remain safety issues with supplements which exceed the recommended daily allowance (RDA). Jones concludes by advising consumers to be careful about claims on products, and to ascertain whether they are backed up by scientific studies.