ホーム > ブログ > NIHからIBIDSデータベースの改善版がリリース



NIH(米国国立衛生研究所)のOffice of Dietary Supplements(ODS、栄養補助食品事務局)は8月18日、International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements(IBIDS)Database(ダイエタリーサプリメントに関する国際文献情報データベース)の改善版をリリースしたと発表した。その改善版は以下のURLで閲覧できる:



New, Improved IBIDS Database Released by NIH

The NIH Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) announced on August 18 that it had released an improved version of the International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS) Database. The new improved version can be found at the following URL:


The IBIDS database can be accessed free of charge and is an excellent source of information for dietary supplements. The database presently has 730,000 citations on dietary supplements. Citations cover the last 18 years and abstracts are also provided depending on permission from publishers. The new version of the IBIDS database contains images and other features, and is more user-friendly. An interesting feature is the images of chemical structures of vitamins, minerals and amino acids which appear with search set results when they are available. The IBIDS database has been available since January 1999. The list also contains links to Web sites of over 3,300 journals.