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National Cancer Institute(米国立癌研究所)会報に基づきUPIが1月5日付けで報じた(またこれは“Medline Plus”や“Red Nova”などいくつかのウェブサイトにも掲載されている)内容によると、「ビタミンAはガン予防目的に利用できる可能性がある。」と言う。同調査はMount Sinai School of Medicine(ニューヨーク)の研究者が行ったものであるが、「ビタミンAの経路は乳がんを予防するために利用できる可能性がある」としている。


Vitamin A Could be a Cancer Prevention Target Study Finds

According to United Press International report of January 5,, based upon a report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, which was covered by a number of web sites including Medline Plus and Red Nova, vitamin A may be a cancer prevention target. The study was conducted by researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. According to the study, which was reported by the press in early January, a vitamin A pathway may be a target in preventing breast cancer.

The main finding of the study was that a lower amount of a protein that regulates the metabolism of vitamin A could be a factor in the tumor progression in breast cancer. Since vitamin A is necessary for activating the retinoic acid receptor, defects in vitamin A (retinal) could be a contributor to developing human cancer according to the study.