ホーム > ブログ > 喫煙者にはビタミンCとビタミンEが必要との調査


American Journal of Clinical Nutritionに発表された調査によると、Oregon State UniversityのLinus Pauling Instituteに所属する科学者は、喫煙は体のビタミンEとCのレベルを低下させるため、病気の原因となりかねないと指摘する。Corvallis Gazette-Timesに掲載する同調査の報告によると、細胞中の活性酸素が増加する酸化的ストレスも喫煙が誘因になるとのことである。


Study Indicates Smokers Need Vitamin C and E

According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, scientists at the Linus Pauling Institute of Oregon State University found that smoking can be the cause of diseases because it lowers the body’s levels of vitamins E and C. According to a report on this study in the Corvallis Gazette-Times, oxidative stress is also caused by smoking.

In the study the researchers sought to determine how cigarette smoke affected vitamin E, and secondly whether the body needed a higher amount of vitamins C and E, which are antioxidants, to combat free radicals and prevent oxidative stress. The study showed that smokers do indeed need an increase in the amount of vitamins C and E. The study lasted for six days, and 10 smokers and 10 non-smokers participated in the study. By giving the participants “marked” vitamin E, the researchers were able to trace the vitamin E supplements the participants took during the study. According to the report, vitamin E levels dropped 13% faster among the smokers than the non-smokers.