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Danger of Synthetic Vitamins

Taking synthetic vitamins is similar to taking a spoonful of motor oil. Some U.S. specialists about natural foods point out danger of taking synthetic vitamins in those words. Basically, one’s body cannot recognize the difference between natural and synthetic vitamins immediately. Therefore, it seems that water soluble synthetic vitamins may exert bad influences on one’s kidney which filters them and may fat soluble synthetic vitamins on one’s liver which stores them in the fat. One way to distinguish synthetic vitamins from natural vitamins is to check the list of ingredients indicated on each bottle. For instance, the list of synthetic vitamin E shows DL Alpha Tocopherol, while it of natural vitamin E shows D Alpha Tocopherol. The most effective countermeasure against synthetic vitamins must be eventually the consumer education.


May, C. (2005, July 7). Supplement bewilderment. Dietary Supplement Information Bureau, Retrieved August 8, 2005, from
