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Popular Apple Cider Vinegar Tablets in Question

Researchers at the University of Arkansas warn against apple cider vinegar tablets which have been advertised with claims that those are effective for weight-control and various products of which are now very popular among women in the U.S. The study was triggered by the serious esophageal injury of a 48-year-old woman who took an apple cider vinegar tablet. The researchers had tested and compared eight products and found considerable variability between the brands in tablet size, pH, component acid content, and label claims. Actually, doubt remains as to whether apple cider vinegar was an ingredient of some of the tested products. The untrustworthy factors of those products are not only their inconsistency and inaccuracy in labeling and recommended dosages. Basically, the catch phrase itself, effective for weight-control, has not been unsubstantiated yet.


Apple cider vinegar tablets criticized. (2005, Sep). Consumer Health Digest,

Retrieved Sep 19, 2005, from http://www.ncahf.org