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Treating Acne Vulgaris with Supplements

Teens are not the only age group, but many adults are also concerned about acne vulgaris, commonly called “acne”. Today, doctors in the U.S. sometimes suggest that patients with acne take vitamins and supplements for the treatment. However, those they suggest have been changed owing to the reported results of recent studies regarding with the causes and the treatment of acne. First, natural vitamin A given to treat acne typically seems to be the cause of a relapse that occurs several months later. In addition, the large quantities of vitamin A used to control acne can be toxic. Second, pantothenic acid given for those with acne is also now concerned about its remarkably high amount. Third, some recent reports have suggested that taking vitamin B6 supplements might exacerbate acne. Finally, only taking 60 to 90 mg of zinc each day has indicated as effective to improve acne as safe by several tests. Though zinc reduces the body’s ability to utilize copper, taking 1 to 2 mg each day of copper can avoid copper deficiency in the case if the patient needs a long-term zinc supplementation.


(2005, Oct). Acne vulgaris. My Vitamin Guide, Retrieved Oct, 19, 2005,

from http://www.myvitaminguide.com

古泉 秀夫(2005, Oct). 『医薬品情報Q&A』 医薬品情報21



① 原因に関する研究発表の例としては、たとえばチョコレートを始めとするこれまでニキビの原因とされてきた様々な食物の嫌疑が、最近の研究で次々に晴れている。

② 一日に女性であれば300,000IU、男性は400,000-500,000IU(1IUは純全トランスビタミンA1アセテート0.000344mg)の摂取が通常。

③ ビタミンB複合体の一要素で、補酵素Aの前駆物質。

④ 銅を利用する身体の機能を亜鉛は逆に低下させる働きがある。