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Supplementing with Vitamin C Prevent Gout

The latest study showed that taking only 500 mg of vitamin C per day prevent gout. Uric acid, which causes gout, is a byproduct of our metabolism that circulates in the bloodstream and has beneficial antioxidant effects in the body. However, once uric acid levels are elevated, it may crystallize in joints or other tissues, resulting in the painful arthritic, known as gout. Doctors would suggest to the patients with gout avoiding certain foods such as refined sugar, red meat, chicken, seafood, beans, spinach, and so on, and taking drugs that either inhibit their bodies’ uric acid production or promote its excretion in the urine. The drugs of those types sometimes cause side effects including kidney damage, vomiting, or severe skin rashes. On the other hand, taking the modest amount of vitamin C urges excretion of the body’s uric acid in the urine effectively without any side effects, and that fact now is attracting attention of the people in the medical world. The new study, by the way, has also proved that vitamin E, which had been believed to prevent gout, does not lower levels of uric acid at all.


The effects of vitamin C supplementation on serum concentrations of uric acid. (2005, Oct).

Wiley InterScience, Retrieved Nov 4, 2005, from http://www3.interscience.wiley.com