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Low-Carb Diet Improve Metabolic Syndrome

Today, Americans generally seem to concern too much about the amount of fat in food they take, and so many foodstuffs which claim “low-fat” or “fat free” are found at a supermarket in the country. However, the recent study reported in a journal in the U.S. has proved that a low-carbohydrates diet is effective in improving obesity and other components of metabolic syndrome, a cluster of health signs that may occur together and indicate a risk for diabetes, strokes and heart diseases. The markers of metabolic syndrome are such as obesity, high blood pressure, low HDL levels, high triglycerides, high blood glucose and high insulin levels. Previous studies have never explicitly connected low carbohydrate intake to the improvement of metabolic syndrome. Patients have been suggested to reduce fat intake. Nevertheless, the study showed that carbohydrate reduction is precisely more effective than fat reduction in improving all components of metabolic syndrome and that those can even be worsened by low-fat/high-carb diets. The researchers explain the reason as follows. The cause of metabolic syndrome is linked to insulin imbalance, and carbohydrates are the main stimulus for insulin. Therefore, reducing carbohydrates intake, not fat intake, is effective in restoring insulin responses.


Jeff S. Volek, and others. (2005, Nov). Carbohydrate restriction improves the features of metabolic syndrome - Metabolic syndrome may be defined by the response to carbohydrate restriction. Nutrition & Metabolism, Retrieved Nov 19, 2005, from http://www.nutritionandmetabolism.com


① 血漿リポ蛋白の一つで、血管壁のコレステロールを除去すると共に、コレステロールの血管壁付着を妨げる働きがあるとされる。

② 食物として摂取する脂肪の大部分がトリグリセリドで、中性脂肪と呼ばれる90%以上がこれに該当する。

③ 膵臓のランゲル島細胞(β)から分泌されるペプチドホルモン。