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先頃英国で行われた調査が、国内で販売されているプロバイオティック 製品の半数以上は、実のところ全く効果の無い代物であることを明らかにした。
プロバイオティック製品は英国で人気を博しており、およそ200万人が飲料や粉末、或いはカプセル入りといった様々な製品を定期的に購入している。プロバイオティックの摂取は、消化を助け、年齢と共に減っていく腸内の善玉菌の保有数を維持し、潰瘍性大腸炎 を予防し、アレルギーから子供を守り、更には結腸癌の発症率も減少させることが、これまでの研究で証明されてきた。


Legally Unfriendly Products with Friendly Bacteria.
According to a new research, more than half of probiotic products sold in the U.K. do not work.
Probiotic products are popular in the country. About two million Britons regularly buy probiotics such as drinks, yoghurts, powders, and capsules. They can aid digestion, bolster levels of friendly bacteria which dwindle with age, help prevent bowel conditions such as ulcerative colitis, protect children against allergies, and reduce the risk of colon cancer.
However, the research shows that up to half those products do not match up to their claims. Some have harmful pathogens in them, and some even have no bacteria and are completely sterile. The problem is the legislation of the country. Manufactures do not need to indicate which, or how much, friendly bacteria have been used in their products because of the lax food-labeling laws. In other words, you can sell your own probiotic products using a yoghurt-maker sold at a kitchenware shop without worrying about any strict laws.
The only good news the report stated is that the best-known brands of probiotic drinks, yoghurts, and supplements in the country do work effectively, and one of those three is “Yakult” by the way.

Fiona Macrae, Why up to half of all probiotics 'don't work'. (Aug 2006). TheDaily Mail, Retrieved Aug 19, 2006, from http://www.dailymail.co.uk

伊藤正男・井村裕夫・高久史麿 『医学書院 医学大辞典』 東京:医学書院, 2003年.