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イスラエルで行われた今回の研究では、治療を受けている夜間高血圧症患者たちを無作為にメラトニン・グループと偽薬グループに分け、前者のグループでは2mgのメラトニン・サプリメント(コントロール・リリース )を、後者のグループでは同量の偽薬を、それぞれ毎日就寝2時間前に摂取させた。被験者たちには血圧を常時記録出来る装置を付け、実験後に彼等の4週間分のデータがまとめられた。その結果、偽薬グループの被験者たちは実験前と比較しても血圧値に何ら変化が認められなかったが、メラトニン・グループの被験者たちの血圧値は著しく降下していたことが確認されたのである。

Melatonin Lowers Nighttime High Blood Pressure
A new study has found that melatonin, a hormone known as a treatment for insomnia and sleep disorders, reduces blood pressure in people with nocturnal hypertension, nighttime high blood pressure.
Blood pressure normally goes down at night when you sleep and rises in the morning when you wake up. It peaks in the mid-afternoon and starts to go down in the late afternoon and evening. However, nighttime blood pressure of people with nocturnal hypertension does not fall to normally lower levels. Nocturnal hypertension is not only a disease, but is also associated with a high risk of death.
The study tested patients with nocturnal hypertension in Israel. Those patients were randomly divided into two groups; either a melatonin group or a placebo group. They were assigned to receive 2 mg of controlled-release melatonin in the melatonin group or a placebo in the placebo group two hours before going to bed every day. Their blood pressure was monitored 24 hours for four weeks. At the end of the study, the patients in the melatonin group had significantly reduced nighttime blood pressure, whereas those in the placebo group showed no effect at all.
More studies are still needed to discover the exact mechanism and the amount of melatonin intake for the best effect.

Judy Siegel-Itzkovich. (Sep. 2006). Sheba researcher finds that 'sleep hormone' can fight hypertension. Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, Retrieved Dec. 4, 2006, fromhttp://eng.sheba.co.il/main/siteNew/index.php?langId=1&page=355&stId=694&subAction=dispTickStory

伊藤正男・井村裕夫・高久史麿 『医学書院 医学大辞典』 東京:医学書院, 2003年.