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この結果を受け、既に一部のプールでは導入されている、極めて少量の塩素を使用、或いは全く塩素を使用しない新しいプール水殺菌方法 を、研究者たちは強く推奨している。

The Association between Chlorinated Pools and Hay Fever
A recent study in Germany has found that frequent swimming pool use of young children is associated with an increased risk of developing hay fever later in life.
Chlorine compounds are used to disinfect swimming pools of the urine and sweat of swimmers. However, at the water’s surface, they produce harmful fumes which damage lung epithelium, a delicate area where oxygen is delivered. Previous studies have shown that chronic irritation of the lung epithelium causes allergic diseases. In particular, the lungs and immune system of babies and young children are more vulnerable to those toxins.
Researchers of the study investigated 2,606 people between ages 35 and 74. When obtaining their information on swimming pool use and occurrence of allergic diseases, the researchers took into account various influences such as age, gender, region, education, smoking habit, and medical history. The amazing finding is that those who were frequently exposed to pools at school age were 74% more likely to develop hay fever.
The researchers strongly recommend other pool-cleaning methods that require little or no chlorine.

Jeremy Appleton. (Dec. 2006). Pool chlorine exposure raises kids’ allergy risk.
NOW Foods, Retrieved Jan. 4, 2007, From http://www.nowfoods.com

伊藤正男・井村裕夫・高久史麿 『医学書院 医学大辞典』 東京:医学書院, 2003年.