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りんご果汁はカテキンやエピカテキン、プロシアニジン 、ケルセチンといった抗酸化フラボノイドを豊富に含んでいることで知られる。しかし、スーパーマーケットなどの売り場では主流であり、透明感が見た目に美しく口当たりも良い清澄タイプの100%りんごジュースは、剥皮・圧搾・濾過などの製造過程を経ると栄養素の多くが失われたりはしていないのだろうか?

Choose Cloudy Juice for More Benefit
A recent study has found that drinking cloudy apple juice brings more nutritious benefit than drinking its clear type.
Apples are especially rich in catechin, epicatechin, procyanidins, quercetin, and other antioxidant flavonoids. However, a large amount of their important elements, such as fiber and antioxidants, might be lost when the fresh fruit is peeled, pressed, and filtered to prepare clear apple juice which is bright-colored and very smooth.
The new study compared clear and cloudy apple juices made from two varieties of popular apples. The results showed that the levels of antioxidants in the cloudy juices were much higher; for instance, one variety of the cloudy juices had 50% more and the other had 80% more flavonoids than the clear juices. In the cloudy juices, moreover, levels of major flavonoids were two to five times higher, and more antioxidant activity was confirmed than in their clear counterparts.
The doctor who conducted the study strongly recommends parents to choose cloudy or high-pulp juices for their children and themselves.

Patrick L. Barry. (Jan. 2007). Cider may be healthier than clear apple juice.
Science News Online, Retrieved Mar. 4, 2007, From http://www.sciencenews.org
伊藤正男・井村裕夫・高久史麿 『医学書院 医学大辞典』 東京:医学書院, 2003年.