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必須微量ミネラル 「セレン(セレニウム)」のサプリメンテーションによって、HIV(ヒト免疫不全ウイルス)の進行が抑制され免疫細胞数も増加することが、最近の研究によって明らかになった。

Selenium Can Suppress HIV
Daily supplementation with the essential trace mineral selenium suppresses the progression of human immune deficiency virus (HIV) and improves immune cell counts, according to a new study in the United States.
In the study, the researchers divided HIV-positive men and women into two groups, a selenium-treated group and a placebo-treated group. The patients in the selenium-treated group were given 200mcg of selenium every day whereas those in the placebo-treated group were given the same amount of placebo. After nine months, those in the selenium-treated group had no change in HIV-1 viral load, the amount of the virus circulating in the blood at any given time, and an increased count of CD4, immune cells that HIV exploits to infect a person. On the other hand, patients in the placebo-treated group had an increased HIV-1 viral load and decreased CD4 counts.
These results, of course, are very encouraging for selenium as a safe and inexpensive additional therapy for HIV and AIDS.A New Discovery about Asthma
Siri Nilsson. (Jan. 2007). Selenium supplements add punch to HIV fight.
ABC News Online, Retrieved Mar. 4, 2007, From http://abcnews.go.com/Health
伊藤正男・井村裕夫・高久史麿 『医学書院 医学大辞典』 東京:医学書院, 2003年.