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今回の研究は、乳児疝痛と診断された83名の乳児を、「乳酸菌グループ」と「シメチコン・グループ」の2グループへ任意に振り分けて行われた。シメチコンは、今日の医療現場で実際に処方されている乳児疝痛治療薬である。乳酸菌グループの乳児41名には1億CFU のL . ロイテリ菌を含んだプロバイオティック・サプリメントを1日に5滴、一方のシメチコン・グループの乳児42名にはシメチコンを30mgずつ1日に2回、それぞれ毎日授乳後に与えた。なお、被験者の母親たちは、実験期間中に一切の乳製品を口にしないよう指示された。さて、2グループの違いは実験開始早々如実に現れた。乳児たちが1日に泣く時間が、明らかに乳酸菌グループでは短くなったのである。そして開始から4週間後、L . ロイテリ菌を投与された乳児は、シメチコンを投与された乳児と比較すると、1日に泣く時間が94分も短くなった。またグループ全体でも、シメチコン・グループの7%に対し、乳酸菌グループでは95%の被験者に乳児疝痛の症状の改善が確認されたのである。

Probiotics Relieves Colicky Babies
A new study in Italy found that the probiotic strain Lactobacilus reuteri may soothe crying in babies with colic.
Colic brings as many as 28% of infants, aged about three weeks to three months, persistent, inconsolable crying that lasts for more than three hours per day on three or more days per week. Though some researchers have pointed out the possibilities of its causes such as an undeveloped digestive system, excess intestinal gas, a baby’s temperament, and/or sensitivities to foods in a breast-feeding mother’s diet, none of these has been confirmed for sure yet.
In the study, 41 colicky infants were given 5 drops of a probiotic supplement containing 100 million colony forming units of Lactbacilus (L.) reuteri every day after feeding, and another 42 colicky infants were given 30mg of simethicone, a commonly prescribed agent for colic, two times per day after feeding. Mothers of those babies were instructed to avoid all dairy products during the study. As soon as the study was started, the researchers could see the noteworthy differences between the two groups: babies in the probiotic group cried significantly less than those in the simethicone group. After four weeks, they found that the L. reuteri-treated infants cried 94 minutes less per day than the simethicone-treated infants did. When compared to all babies, moreover, 95% of the babies in the probiotic group experienced improvement whereas only 7% of those in the simethicone group did.
Now, doctors in the country have already begun to try using a probiotic product to help ease the condition of babies with colic.

Savino F. Lupica, and others. (Jan. 2007). Lactobacillus reuteri (American Type Culture Collection Strain 55730) versus simethicone in the treatment of infantile colic: a prospective randomized study. A Service of the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, Retrieved Mar. 19, 2007, From http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=retrieve&db=pubmed&list_uids=17200238&dopt=Abstract
伊藤正男・井村裕夫・高久史麿 『医学書院 医学大辞典』 東京:医学書院, 2003年.