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この現状を打破するため、米国心臓病協会主催のキャンペーン の一環として行なわれている、オンラインシステムによる心臓病のリスクに関する自己診断サービスの利用を、先述の専門家たちは全米の女性に呼び掛けている。

Today’s American Biggest Killer of Women
Heart disease is not only the biggest killer of men, but it is now also of women in the U.S., the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced.
Many experts point out that too many women in the country believe heart disease is not going to affect them. In fact, women easily mistake heart problems for stomach or other problems. The heart attacks women experience are often not accompanied by chest pains unlike those of men. Moreover, 64% of all U.S. women who died suddenly of coronary heart disease had had no previous symptoms.
And today in the country, according to the NIH, about 40% of women who die are struck by heart disease or stroke. The number is greater than the number of women who die from all forms of cancers combined. About one third of all female adults suffer from some form of cardiovascular disease, which kills one U.S. woman per minute, nearly half a million per year.
The experts highly endorse an online self-help survey offered by the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women campaign to evaluate their risk of heart disease.

Jon D. (Apr. 2007). A study released by the National Institutes of Health finds that heart disease is the number one cause of death for American women. DogFlu.Ca – Dog Health and Human Health Information, Retrieved Apr. 19, 2007, From http://www.dogflu.ca
伊藤正男・井村裕夫・高久史麿 『医学書院 医学大辞典』 東京:医学書院, 2003年.