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Supplementation with Amino Acid Help Reverse Lean Muscle Loss from Inactivity

According to the report of researchers’ team from the University of Texas and The Shriner’s Hospital for Children, EAA (essential amino acid) supplementation can reverse lean muscle loss in healthy people who have been obliged to experience a period of rest cure or inactivity in a hospital. Generally, decreased muscle protein synthesis brings about a decrease in whole body protein turnover and then a decrease of his or her weight. The study has been done in two groups of samples with EAA or placebo supplementation for 28 days. In the former group, it has been proved that the supplemented EAAs can provide a potent anabolic stimulus for muscle protein, stimulate net muscle protein synthesis, and lessen function decline. Moreover, it was cleared that stress during convalescence following an injury or trauma accelerate the muscle loss. The researchers reported that other anabolic stimuli may be needed to maintain lean muscle mass of patients especially under the severe stress.


(2005, August). Aimno acid supplementation can reverse muscle loss from inactivity.

Dietary Supplement Information Bureau, Retrieved September 4, 2005,

from http://www.supplementinfo.org

     伊藤正男・井村裕夫・高久史麿 『医学書院 医学大辞典』 東京:医学書院,2003年


※ 薬効評価の対照に用いられたり、患者の要求に応える為に処方される、薬理学的活性がないとされる物質。