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Sesame Seeds Benefit Postmenopausal Women
A recent study reported that eating sesame seeds protects postmenopausal women against heart disease.
In the U.S., heart disease is the greatest health threat to women over 50. Sesame seeds are well known as good sources of unsaturated fat, vitamin E, and “lignans”, compounds which are converted into phytoestrogens in the body and considered to have antioxidant and anticancer effects.
Half of the postmenopausal women in the new study took 50g of sesame-seed powder every day while the other half took the same amount of placebo every day. After five weeks, both total cholesterol levels and LDL cholesterol levels of the women in the sesame group had decreased 5% and 10% respectively, whereas no change was found in the placebo group. Moreover, the researchers recognized those women had more vitamin E in their blood and slower oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which might be linked to atherosclerosis.
Sesame seeds, besides having a distinctive flavor for many American people, are good to eat for older women, and thus, are recommended by the researchers to protect from heart disease in those two ways.
Wen-Huey Wu, and others. (May 2006). Sesame ingestion affects sex hormones, antioxidant status, and blood lipids in postmenopausal women. The Journal of Nutrition, Retrieved July 19, 2006, fromhttp://jn.nutrition.org/
伊藤正男・井村裕夫・高久史麿 『医学書院 医学大辞典』 東京:医学書院, 2003年.