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6ヶ月間に亘るその実験では、前立腺癌を再発した患者たちに全粒穀類、野菜類、果実類、豆類を多く、反対に肉類、乳製品、そして精製炭水化物(白米、精製小麦粉、精製糖など)を少なくした食生活へと切り替えるよう細かく指導した。そして、実験以前の6ヶ月間に計測された被験者たちの前立腺特異抗原数値(PSA値) と、今回の数値を比較したのである。前立腺特異抗原の数値は、癌の再発や転移の早期発見に役立つ指標とされているが、果たして被験者たちのPSA値の伸び幅は、実験中に驚異的に減少した。彼らの90%はPSAの伸びが緩やかになり、40%に至っては実験開始時より低い数値にまで下がったことが確認されたのである。

Start Plant-Based Diet to Prevent Prostate Cancer
New research conducted at the University of California shows that a daily plant-based diet can slow the progression of prostate cancer, the second most common form of cancer affecting men in the Western world.
Prostate cancer is well known as a deadly disease with a great risk of recurrence, disease progression after treatment. In the U.S., about 35% of men who are treated for the disease will experience a recurrence within ten years.
During the six-month-long study, men with recurrent prostate cancer were taught to eat more whole grains, vegetables , fruit, and legumes and less meat, dairy products, and refined carbohydrates (such as white rice, white flower, and sugar). Then the researchers compared the rate of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a marker for prostate cancer recurrence and sometimes the earliest sign of spread of the disease beyond the prostate gland, with the former PSA levels which had been measured during the same period before the study. They found that the rise of PSA was significantly reduced after the study. 90% of the men had a slower progression of PSA levels, and 40% had a lower PSA level than when the study started.
Unlike other ways to prevent prostate cancer recurrence, the natural dietary approach can be utilized without any side effects or much expense.

Gordon A. Saxe. (Sep. 2006). Potential attenuation of disease progression in recurrent prostate cancer with plant-based diet and stress reduction. SAGE Publications,
Retrieved Oct 18, 2006, from http://www.sagepub.com

伊藤正男・井村裕夫・高久史麿 『医学書院 医学大辞典』 東京:医学書院, 2003年.