ホーム > ブログ > たったコップ三杯でアルツハイマー病を予防!


アルツハイマー病は未だ原因が解明されていない難病であるが、脳内に於けるフリーラジカル 生成がどうやら関わっているとみられている。また、ポリフェノールなどの抗酸化物質がフリーラジカルを中和して無害化できることや、多量の葉酸の摂取がアルツハイマー病に効果があること、更にはミネラルなどの神経機能保持成分が果実や野菜に多く含まれることが、これまでの研究によって報告されている。

Just Three Glasses A Week
A new study has reported that people who drink three or more glasses of fruit or vegetable juice a week can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease significantly.
Though no certain cause of Alzheimer’s disease has been found yet, free radical production in the brain is likely to be involved. A former study has discovered that antioxidants like polyphenols can act as anti-Alzheimer’s agents to neutralize free radicals. Another study has investigated that taking high amount of folate is associated with a decreased risk of the disease. Moreover, other protective components, such as minerals, seem to be contained in fruit and vegetable juices.
The study looked at the eating habits of about 2,000 people. The researchers found that those who had drunk three or more glasses of fruit or vegetable juice per week had a 76% lower chance of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease than those who had drunk less than one glass a week.
More studies are still needed to know which types of juice offer the most protection, or how long and how much they should be drunk to see the best effect. The researchers conclude that adding a glass of apple or orange juice to the breakfast every day could be a simple and possibly the best way to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Juices 'may cut Alzheimer's risk'. (Aug. 2006). BBC NEWS, Retrieved Nov. 4, 2006,
from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health
伊藤正男・井村裕夫・高久史麿 『医学書院 医学大辞典』 東京:医学書院, 2003年.