ホーム > ブログ > 完全菜食療法で糖尿病は良くなる!!


今回の研究では、2型糖尿病を患うおよそ100人が、完全菜食療法グループ或いはADA式食事療法グループに無作為に振り分けられ、それぞれの食事療法に従うよう指示された。そして22週間後、両グループに於いて被験者たちの症状の改善が認められた。しかし、完全菜食療法グループの被験者たちはADA式食事療法グループの被験者たちと比較すると、より適正体重に近付くことに成功し、ヘモグロビンA1c(HgbA1c) については2倍近くも減少し、更にはコレステロール値もより多く低下していたのである。

A Vegan Diet Can Improve Type 2 Diabetes

A new study in the U.S. found that a low-fat vegan (animal-free) diet appears to be healthful for people with type 2 diabetes, much more so than the ADA diet which has been recommended by the ADA, the American Diabetes Association.
The vegan diet consists of vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes; however, portion sizes and total calorie intake are unrestricted. People who follow the diet cannot consume any animal products and more than 10% of their total calories from fat. In the ADA diet, on the other hand, the saturated fat calories should be at 7%, and the maximum amount of cholesterol intake is 200 mg per day. Also, total calorie intake is restricted to promote weight loss.
In the study, about 100 people with diabetes were randomly assigned to follow either the vegan diet or the ADA diet. After 22 weeks, the researchers found that patients in both diet groups had improved. Nevertheless, the people in the vegan diet group lost more weight, experienced nearly twice the drop in hemoglobin A1c (HgbA1c), and showed a greater decrease in cholesterol levels than the people in the ADA diet group.
Though a vegan diet might be too limited for most of the American people, this study has proved the benefits of a diet plentiful in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Jennifer Warner. (Jul. 2006). Vegan diet may treat diabetes: Study shows it might help reduce need to take medications for type 2 diabetes. CBS News .com, Retrieved Oct 18, 2006, fromhttp://www.cbsnews.com
伊藤正男・井村裕夫・高久史麿 『医学書院 医学大辞典』 東京:医学書院, 2003年.