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Factors in Women’s Risk of Death
A recent study has identified the most important factors which lengthen or shorten a women’s life span.
Being diabetic is known to be one of the elements that contribute to poor health; however, those factors do not equal the elements that affect a woman’s chance of dying. A team of researchers, including doctors from the National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health and Human Services, has addressed the most important factors for living longer. They studied about 18,000 women with an average age of 68 and gathered information mainly about their health, dietary habits, and medical history, and the factors they highlighted are as follows.
The first factor, which causes lung cancer, is smoking. Lung cancer accounts for more than 25% of cancer deaths among the women. The second factor is being in poor physical shape. Their data showed an interesting fact. Though women who were underweight were at an increased risk of dying, heavier women, except those who had more fat concentrated in the abdominal area, had a lower risk. The third factor is having high blood pressure.
All of these factors are fortunately changeable conditions; therefore, a woman who wants to increase her chances of a long life can change her lifestyle, taking this study into consideration .
Kimberly Beauchamp. (Jan. 2007). Women: Want to add years to your life? New Hope Natural Media Online, Retrieved Jan. 19, 2007, From 伊藤正男・井村裕夫・高久史麿 『医学書院 医学大辞典』 東京:医学書院, 2003年.